David Crystal - English as a Global Language read book PDF, TXT, MOBI


A collection of literature anthologies and reference books for Key Stage 3 onwards., David Crystal's informative account of the rise of English as a global language explores the history, current status and potential of English as the international language of communication. This new edition of his classic work includes additional sections on the future of English as a world language, English on the Internet, and the possibility of an English "family" of languages. Footnotes, new tables, and a comprehensive bibliography reflect the expanded scope of the revised edition. An internationally renowned scholar in the field of language and linguistics, David Crystal received an Order of the British Empire in 1995 for his services to the English language. He is the author of several books with Cambridge, including Language and the Internet (2001), Language Death (2000), English as a Global Language (1997), Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (1997), and Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language (1995) as well as Words on Words (University of Chicago, 2000). First edition Hb (1997): 0-521-59247-X First edition Pb (1998): 0-521-62994-2, This classic book includes material on the vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation of New Englishes, footnotes and full bibliography.

David Crystal - English as a Global Language read online book DJV, DOC, PDF

This new edition includes thousands of brand-new words and senses, as well as up-to-date encyclopedic information, and extensive appendices covering topics such as countries, heads of state, and chemical elements.New features include Word Trends which showcase language research based on the Oxford English Corpus and illuminate the extraordinary stories behind fast-changing words of everyday English.Does their language development resemble that of first or second language learners, or something else?The chapters cover many situations you'll need to travel to India, read Hindi, write Hindi, and speak Hindi.Containing clear, accessible explanations of GCSE content, there are lots of practice opportunities for each topic throughout the book.Each chapter includes illustrative case studies, review questions, and a tutorial section with practical exercises using English and Romance language data from the University of Toronto Romance Phonetics Database.It uses communicative language teaching techniques for the purpose of developing oral proficiency among students.It is primarily concerned with language description and not with linguistic theory, and provides support to all researchers interested in matters relating to the syntax of Dutch, including advanced students of language and linguistics.From the outset, a realistic range of registers and vocabulary encourage development of the essential skill of comprehension.Here he sets Greek in the context of other Indo-European languages, and outlines a theory of the Greek alphabet and its origins.IMPROVE your performance with instant, online analysis and feedback.