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Standard Catalog of American Flyer Trains download PDF, DOC, FB2


A bargain buy when first introduced as Chicago Flyer, American Flyer trains rose to premier toy train status in the last half of the 20th century, and maintain the second spot today! The company's claim to fame, the S gauge train, is supported by the wide gauge and prewar HO and O gauge trains, in collector popularity, and this one-of-a-kind guide covers all three groups in extensive detail. The most comprehensive overview of the American Flyer line, this book follows the winning format of the Standard Catalog line of toy train reference. It is the only full-color guide on the subject, serving the needs of toy train collectors who rely on detailed color photos to accurately identify trains., · Highly sought-after model of trains, second only to Lionel, by 30,000+ collectors who attend the largest train show in the U.S., held twice a year in Pennsylvania · Is the ONLY full-color guide on the subject, serving the needs of toy train collectors who rely on detailed color photos to accurately identify trains A bargain buy when first introduced as "Chicago Flyer," American Flyer trains rose to premier toy train status in the last half of the 20th century, and maintain the second spot today! The company's claim to fame, the S gauge train, is supported by the wide gauge and prewar HO and O gauge trains, in collector popularity, and this one-of-a-kind guide covers all three groups in extensive detail. The most comprehensive overview of the American Flyer line, this book follows the winning format of the Standard Catalog line of toy train references.

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