Mary S. Wallace - Interventions: Security Without Weapons : Ethical Action, Difference, and Nonviolent Intervention read online book DOC, TXT


Few questions of global politics are more pressing than how to respond to widespread violence against civilians. Despite R2P proponents' efforts to draw attention away from exclusively military responses, debates on humanitarian intervention and R2P's "Third Pillar" still tend to boil down to two unsatisfying options: stand by and "do nothing" or take military action to protect civilians--essentially using violence to stop violence. Accordingly--and given disagreement and uncertainty regarding moral claims, as well as the unpredictability of military effectiveness--this book asks: how can "we" counter violence ethically and effectively, taking action consistent with our particular moral commitments while also nurturing difference and enacting responsibility towards multiple others? After evaluating the pragmatic and ethical failings of military action, the book proposes nonviolent intervention as a third--unarmed, on-the-ground--option for protecting civilians during humanitarian crises. In the empirical section of the book, focusing on the discursive and psychological conditions enabling violence, Wallace analyses the mechanisms by which Nonviolent Peaceforce--an international NGO engaged in nonviolent intervention/unarmed civilian peacekeeping (UCP)--was able to protect civilians and prevent violence, even if on a limited scale, in the broader context of Sri Lanka's war/counterinsurgency in 2008. The book addresses a range of literatures and debates--from just war theory and poststructuralist ethics to nonviolent action and conflict transformation, from humanitarian intervention, R2P, and civilian protection to strategic theory and discursive and psychological theories of violence--and aims to be both philosophically innovative and practically useful for those working in the field., Few questions of global politics are more pressing--or more fraught--than that of how to respond to violence, especially widespread violence against civilians. Debates on humanitarian intervention tend to boil down to two options, neither satisfying, when other measures seem to have failed: stand by and "do nothing" or take military action to protect civilians--in effect, using violence to stop violence. Wallace seeks to explore ethical yet effective responses to violence, taking action consistent with our particular moral commitments while maintaining space for difference? As a response, the volume proposes nonviolent intervention (otherwise known as civilian peacekeeping) as a third--unarmed, on-the-ground--option for protecting civilians during humanitarian crises and develops this in the context of political violence in Sri Lanka. This book addresses a diverse range of literatures and debates--from international ethics, just war theory, and poststructuralism to nonviolent action and conflict transformation, from humanitarian intervention, R2P, and civilian protection to strategic theory--and aims to be both philosophically innovative and practically useful for those working in the field.

Mary S. Wallace - Interventions: Security Without Weapons : Ethical Action, Difference, and Nonviolent Intervention DOC, DJV

When parents change .Is she alchemist, conjurer, poet, or cook?It examines injury patterns in different groups as well as the biological, psychological and cultural factors that make us behave violently, how our living environment influences injury and violence, the models used to identify and interpret violence in the past, and how violence is used as a social tool.Thing is, you gotta kill it first.Kevin Pearce baseball star, honor student, the pride of Brighton was fifteen when he left town in the back of his uncle s cab.